Grit & Growth: The Power of Persistence

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly transform their habits, beliefs, and thoughts, while others struggle to make lasting change?

It’s a question that has intrigued me for years, and through my journey as a mindset coach, I’ve discovered the answer lies in one powerful principle: PERSISTENCE.

In this article, I invite you to go on this journey with me—a journey fueled by the commitment to change, the relentless pursuit of growth, and the boundless power of persistence. Let’s explore how persistence can transform every aspect of our lives.

What’s The Role Of Persistence?

It is more than just a trait; it’s a mindset—a commitment to pursuing our goals despite challenges and setbacks. When it comes to changing habits, beliefs, and thoughts, persistence is the driving force that keeps us moving forward, even when life gets tough. (I know you agree with me on that.)

The truth is that it’s about deciding to change and sticking to it, even when it gets tough because every little step we take helps us get closer to what we want to achieve. That’s why it’s important to feel strongly, and emotionally tied to making change.  When the want is weak, you’ll quit at the first roadblock. You really have to have made the irrevocable decision that you are going to change, no matter what obstacles try to stop you.

How Can You Cultivate Persistence in Daily Life

“Building persistence is a gradual process that requires conscious effort and practice.“

Here’s what I’ve found: one effective strategy is to break down large goals into smaller, manageable tasks. When I work with my clients, we call our big goal a “Mount Everest type goal.” Our logical minds give us grief when we aim for a goal like this.  So we break it down into what we call “Base Camp goals,” which are small and more achievable but get us on our way to Everest.

Desmond Tutu wisely said that, “there is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time.” Pursuing large goals with persistence may seem daunting, maybe even insurmountable. By breaking anything into smaller components, tasks can be accomplished gradually and more consistently.

Incremental changes win over time, more often than massive changes that aren’t maintainable. Small changes may not be noticeable but create incredible change over time.

And on top of that, surrounding ourselves with a supportive network of friends, family, or mentors can provide the encouragement and accountability needed to stay on track. If you don’t feel supported by your close network, work with a coach who can provide guidance and accountability. By staying focused on our objectives and maintaining a positive mindset, we can cultivate the resilience needed to persist through challenges and setbacks.

Persistence to Change Habits

Let’s face it—changing habits is tough. Whether it’s kicking a bad habit or adopting a healthier one, persistence is key. It’s about committing to small, consistent actions every day, even when it feels challenging. Even when you don’t feel like doing it. By staying persistent, you gradually rewire your brain and make your desired habits stick.

Want to make it easier? Aim to get better 1% each day.

The book Atomic Habits focuses on creating tiny changes every day; over time, these small gains will add up to significant change. Negative habits compound over time; if you put off working on anything every day, the negative habit of procrastination will expand and spread to other aspects of your life.

For example, you wish to lose weight. Instead of focusing on dropping 50 pounds, commit to exercising for 30 minutes three times each week for 30 days. Over time, you will notice changes in your physique. Thirty minutes a day, three times a week for 52 weeks equals 4680 minutes of exercise.

Set a challenge for yourself to improve by 1% every day for the following 30 days. If you wish to increase your understanding of a specific topic, read five pages every day. Writing a book? Write one page each day for the next 30 days. Pay attention to minor actions, make modest improvements, and accomplish more.

Remember, you want to make good habits easy.  Easy means convenient and a low level of friction. Reducing friction touches on the law of least effort – the more energy required, the less likely it will happen.  The easier to do, the more likely you will persist. Think of working out at home or a gym close by. A long commute to workout is friction. Persisting with a good habit requires repetition of the habit. As you repeat an activity, your brain changes to become more efficient at doing it.

Repetition is a powerful tool for developing and maintaining habits. You activate neural circuits associated with habits every time you repeat them.

Persistence in Changing Beliefs

Our beliefs shape our reality, but they’re not set in stone.

If you want to shift your beliefs, it takes persistence.

Begin by taking a close look at the beliefs that may be holding you back, those limiting thoughts that tell you what you can’t do or achieve. Challenge them. The more you study your beliefs, the more you may realize that they are not true or no longer true today.

Ask yourself if these beliefs are serving you well or if they’re simply holding you back. Then, work on replacing those limiting beliefs with ones that empower you, that inspire you to reach for your dreams and goals.

It’s a process of self-discovery and growth, one that requires patience, grace and understanding. But with persistence, you can gradually reshape your mindset, opening up a world of new possibilities and opportunities that you may not have previously imagined possible.

Final point, Persistence in Positive Thinking

The thoughts that run through our minds have a significant impact on how we feel, behave, and the actions we take (or don’t).  If we want to cultivate a positive outlook on life, persistence is key.

Start by practicing mindfulness, which involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment. It’s really awareness of what is happening inside you. This allows you to become more aware of any negative thought patterns that may be influencing you… It’s up to you to break these patterns. What we focus on, expands.  If we continue to think negative thoughts, we will only get more of them.

Once you’ve identified your negative patterns, make a conscious effort to reaffirm the opposite… Make a daily practice of reminding yourself of your strengths, accomplishments, and the things you’re grateful for. Journaling can be a helpful way to accomplish this practice. It won’t happen overnight, but with persistence and consistent effort, you can retrain your brain to focus on the bright side, leading to a more optimistic and fulfilling life.


The journey of change requires persistence every step of the way. Whether you’re working on changing habits, beliefs, or thoughts, remember that progress takes time and effort. Understand that some days you may not persist; just get back up the next day and try again.  Accept that it could happen and don’t beat yourself up if you do.

Consider this quote from Calvin Coolidge, “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence…The slogan ‘Press on’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”

Stay committed and don’t give up! What are your thoughts on persistence and change? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

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